Meditation Classes Cleveland


Do you struggle with the whole thought of meditation – sitting quietly, doing nothing for 15 minutes?

You’re not alone! One study recently discovered that more people prefer to receive electric shocks, than to just sit quietly with their thoughts.

They think that meditation is about sitting in silence, bored stiff; however, it’s actually a deliberate act to focus your attention which brings about feelings of calm, peace and self-awareness. 

Common Meditation Techniques

Meditation actually consists of different techniques including: 

  •          Breath work, where you focus on breathing in slowly, holding the breath, then gradually exhaling.

  •          Kindness, which involves focussing your attention on loved ones and yourself, while thinking kind and caring thoughts.

  •          Curiosity and grounding, where you notice and observe your bodily sensations, feelings and thoughts without judgement.

  •          Gentle movement, where activities like yoga or tai chi calm your mind while matching your breath with body movements.

  •          Repeating a mantra, either aloud or silently.

  •          Concentrating on an object by looking at the shape, sound and texture of it.

 These are just some of the many techniques available, so you’re sure to find one (or more)  that suits you.

Why Meditate?

Meditation is fantastic for your health. Research has shown that it reduces anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as lowering blood pressure and cortisol levels.

Regular meditation has been proven to change the brain.  It increases volume in the hippocampus, which is associated with emotional regulation and memory. It also led to decreased volume in the amygdala, which plays a part in anxiety, fear and stress. 

But the good news doesn’t stop there.  Meditation also: 

  •          Boosts your immune system

  •          Promotes better sleep

  •          Reduces your risk of heart disease

  •          Relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

  •          Slashes chronic pain

As a spiritual practice, meditation can lead to enlightenment, which helps you recognise your true self; and also discernment, where you see through your false self (which is associated with social conditioning and norms).  This revelation of authenticity and integrity helps you to view yourself and the world around you in a different light.  

Meditation Classes Cleveland

Meditation techniques are easy to learn, and attending classes can help you find what works best for you. New Dawn offers meditation classes in Cleveland, at convenient times to help you find your Zen. 

Classes can also help you to stay in the moment, as your attention is likely to wander.  When this happens, practice gentle acceptance and then shift your attention back to what you are doing.

As you meditate, you become more mindful of the present moment, and take a step back from your thinking and emotions.   When your consciousness shifts, you’re able to connect with your true self and experience deep tranquillity and inner calm.

With the amount of stress in all our lives, it’s no wonder that our Cleveland meditation classes are some of the most popular on our timetable. Contact us to find out more or check our timetable to book your spot today!