Menopausal Mind and Body Reset


Live the life you LOVE during menopause!

You CAN do something to improve your life during menopause.

You may be struggling right now with the symptoms of menopause like…

The aches and pains, weight gain, trouble sleeping, depleting energy and motivation, mood swings, anxiety, losing self-confidence, feeling alone and misunderstood...

And you feel like, "this is it, I will have to live this way forever".

It doesn't have to be THIS WAY! 

There are things that YOU CAN DO so that you can feel your best during menopause. 

So that you can start seeing menopause as a time of growth, strength, health and well-being.

Discover the New YOU in this New Season of your Life 

What does a happy and thriving life look like for you? Is it...

Having the energy to play with your kids or grandkids?

Being strong enough to keep doing the activities you love?

Being fit to travel the world, trying different cuisines and meeting new people?

Imagine what you want for yourself and your life right now. 

You can live that life. You can thrive! 

Make it Happen with the support of a Menopause Coach!

Menopausal Mind and Body Reset is a 6-week online sisterhood run by Dawn, a certified menopause coach. It will provide you with genuine holistic health support and resources that will help you feel your best during menopause

❤️ Live a thriving, happy and healthy lifestyle

❤️ Feel better and more comfortable about your body

❤️ Become strong, fit and flexible again to enjoy the activities you love

❤️ Build better habits and relationships with yourself and the people important to you

❤️ Restore your joy, peace and confidence

Our Five Pillars of Transformation 

In our tried and tested Holistic Health Approach, you will be fully supported physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so you can achieve optimised and balanced health and wellness. 

#1 Movement

Keep your body moving with our extensive library of prerecorded Yoga and Pilates classes. Watch and follow them online, anytime and anywhere!

#2 Nutrition

Feed your body right with meal plans and recipes that fit your body’s changing needs! 

#3 Mindfulness

Relax and restore your peace with our playlist of meditations that you can listen on-the-go whenever you need a boost! Plus, other powerful mindfulness exercises and tools.

#4 Accountability

We'll be with you every step of the way with our online accountability calls and unlimited access to our head coach through our messaging app. 

#5 Women’s Support Circle

Surround yourself with people who lift you up. Meet wonderful women who are on a similar journey and support each other in the kindest and most loving way. 


Get access to our growing list of webinars (prerecorded and live) with guest speakers such as health practitioners and coaches who share inspirational stories, tips and strategies about navigating life during menopause like:

  • Self-Compassion When it Comes to Food and Weight Loss

  • Identifying Sabotaging Behaviours

  • Bladder Health with Diet and Lifestyle

  • And lots more!

How Michelle found hope for her dreams and goals

Before joining New Dawn’s Menopausal Mind & Body Reset…

Michelle struggled daily with negative self-talk, and she was not feeling great about how she was just surviving each day without joy. 

She had been wanting to join up for months but always found an excuse like “I wouldn’t belong there” or “I wasn’t good enough to set foot in a place like that”. It was fear that was stopping her.

Where Michelle found hope…

With a single Zoom call with Dawn to enquire about the Menopausal Mind & Body Reset, Michelle instantly knew she connected with the right person. After the call, she joined the sisterhood and started to feel hope again!

I started the Menopausal Mind & Body Reset course and was welcomed in our Zoom calls with genuine care. It started to feel like I was not alone in my thoughts and that there was hope”

What Michelle loved about the sisterhood…

Michelle found all the resources in the sisterhood’s app an invaluable tool in her journey. The Pillars helped her manage the symptoms and effects of menopause. 

“Guides to healthier nutrition, pilates and yoga lessons, meditation, better sleep habits, journaling and self-kindness, which were very new to me, all of these online in the app. There are guest speakers, recommended books and Dawn’s very own podcast to listen to”

She also found another home in our online women’s support circle.

“You can meet up with others in the group during the calls, so there’s a real feeling of community”

How our sisterhood helped Michelle realise her dreams are possible…

“The weekly Zoom calls with Dawn are so helpful. The techniques Dawn gives helped me see that I can achieve my future goals, that my dreams for myself are tangible” 

Dawn Edwards-Jones, Your Menopause Coach

Let’s do this!

Start your journey to the healthiest and thriving version of YOU today.

Your future self will thank you.

Want to learn more about the sisterhood and how we can help you live the life you love during menopause?