12 Steps to Self-Care

It seems everywhere you turn these days; everyone is talking about self-care. 

It’s the new buzz phrase that celebrities and influencers alike are encouraging you to do more of … But what is self-care really? What sort of things does it involve? And how can you incorporate it into your life?  Here at New Dawn we are all about helping you prioritise your self-care, so here are 12 steps to help you look after you! 

12 Steps to Self-Care


1.      Move your body – everyday!  Incorporate some form of exercise into your daily routine.  It could be a bike ride around the neighbourhood, walking to run an errand instead of taking the car, or yoga or pilates class (online or in our Redlands studio). It’s important for both your body and mind, plus it’s a fantastic start to the day to get up and do it early.


2.      Healthy Eating – We all pretty much know what we should be doing, but upping your daily intake of fruits, vegetables and healthy grains, seeds and nuts is a great way to look after your body. In the same way, we should also be cutting back on fats and sugars.


3.      Mindfulness – Adding in a mindfulness routine is great for clarity and focus.  Meditation and yoga are wonderful ways to create stillness and teach your busy brain to relax - but if that is not your thing, you could try journaling or mind mapping.


4.      Learn new things – Keep your mind healthy and your life interesting by giving yourself a challenge! Pick something that you would love to undertake, like learning a new language or a new creative art and enjoy stretching your brain.


5.      Have new experiences – In the same way, breaking up the day-to-day mundane routine is key to keeping us feeling fresh and full of life. It could be finding a new place to walk, or a new coffee shop to work from.


6.      Get enough sleep – Most of us don’t get enough sleep and not only does it leave us feeling cranky and tired, it can actually be harmful to our overall health. You need to be getting around 8 hours sleep a night. So, prioritise bedtime, put the screens down and pick up a book instead.


7.      Schedule ‘me’ time – Life is busy and very often the things that we would like to do for ourselves end up getting pushed aside as more and more things demand our attention. The best way to make sure that you make time for yourself is to schedule it into your diary. Just like any other appointment, make that reiki session, massage, facial or sauna a non-negotiable in your day!


8.      Turning down social media – There’s a lot to absorb on social media. People telling us what to do, want not to do, how we should be doing it or how we should be looking … Take regular breaks from the noise.  Maybe uninstall the apps over the weekend and enjoy time away from the screens.


9.      Prioritising check-ups – Self-care includes looking regular check-ups: blood tests, mammograms, colonoscopies, eye tests etc. They all require prioritising yourself – and specifically your health.


10.  Limiting alcohol – enjoying the odd glass of wine can be a nice way to unwind, but don’t overdo it. Alcohol contributes to poor sleep, anxiety, and depression, so keep it as an ‘every now and again’ treat.


11.  Stay connected – friends are important and having a social connection is vital for our ongoing mental and physical health. If you don’t have a circle of friends to go out with, and live in the Redlands or surrounds, then check out the range of activities on offer here at New Dawn Pilates. There are weekend retreats, free guest speakers at our Holistic Health Hub, Mums and Bubs yoga, reformer, mat and barre pilates, restorative yoga, Indian head massage - and much more!


12.  Love yourselfthe most important of all.  Don’t spend time focusing on the negative things about yourself. Love yourself and enjoy life, we only get one chance at it!

Dawn x

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